#P10562. [ICPC2024 Xi'an I] Triangle

[ICPC2024 Xi'an I] Triangle


There are three points A(a,0)A(a, 0), B(0,b)B(0, b), C(0,0)C(0, 0) in the plane rectangular coordinate system. Define the size of triangle ABCABC as the number of squares that belong to it.

For integers x,yx,y, one square is defined by four points (x,y)(x, y), (x+1,y)(x + 1, y), (x,y+1)(x, y + 1), (x+1,y+1)(x + 1, y + 1). We consider a square to belong to a triangle if half or more of it is inside the triangle.

For example, when a=8,b=6a = 8, b = 6, the size of triangle ABCABC will be 2424. The image below shows which squares are counted in the triangle.


The first and only line contains two integers a (1a106)a\ (1\le a\le 10^6) and b (1b106)b\ (1\le b\le 10^6).


Print an integer: the size of triangle ABCABC.

6 8
5 5

1 999999