#P3527. [POI2011] MET-Meteors

    ID: 5113 远端评测题 2000ms 512MiB 尝试: 0 已通过: 0 难度: (无) 上传者: 标签>2011二分树状数组POIO2优化整体二分

[POI2011] MET-Meteors


Byteotian Interstellar Union (BIU) has recently discovered a new planet in a nearby galaxy. The planet is unsuitable for colonisation due to strange meteor showers, which on the other hand make it an exceptionally interesting object of study.

The member states of BIU have already placed space stations close to the planet's orbit. The stations' goal is to take samples of the rocks flying by.

The BIU Commission has partitioned the orbit into mm sectors, numbered from 11 to mm, where the sectors 11 and mm are adjacent. In each sector there is a single space station, belonging to one of the nn member states.

Each state has declared a number of meteor samples it intends to gather before the mission ends. Your task is to determine, for each state, when it can stop taking samples, based on the meter shower predictions for the years to come.


The first line of the standard input gives two integers, nn and mm (1n,m300 0001\le n,m\le 300\ 000), separated by a single space, that denote,respectively, the number of BIU member states and the number of sectors the orbit has been partitioned into.

In the second line there are mm integers oio_i (1oin1\le o_i\le n),separated by single spaces, that denote the states owning stations in successive sectors.

In the third line there are nn integers pip_i (1pi1091\le p_i\le 10^9),separated by single spaces, that denote the numbers of meteor samples that the successive states intend to gather.

In the fourth line there is a single integer kk (1k300 0001\le k\le 300\ 000) that denotes the number of meteor showers predictions. The following kk lines specify the (predicted) meteor showers chronologically. The ii-th of these lines holds three integers li,ri,ail_i,r_i,a_i (separated by single spaces), which denote that a meteor shower is expected in sectors li,li+1,...,ril_i,l_{i+1},...,r_i(if liril_i\le r_i) or sectors li,li+1,...,m,1,...,ril_i,l_{i+1},...,m,1,...,r_i (if li>ril_i>r_i) , which should provide each station in those sectors with aia_i meteor samples (1ai1091\le a_i\le 10^9).


Your program should print nn lines on the standard output.

The ii-th of them should contain a single integer wiw_i, denoting the number of shower after which the stations belonging to the ii-th state are expected to gather at least pip_i samples, or the word NIE (Polish for no) if that state is not expected to gather enough samples in the foreseeable future.

输入数据 1

3 5
1 3 2 1 3
10 5 7
4 2 4
1 3 1
3 5 2

输出数据 1