#P4876. [USACO14MAR] The Lazy Cow G

[USACO14MAR] The Lazy Cow G


It's a hot summer day, and Bessie the cow is feeling quite lazy. She wants to locate herself at a position in her field so that she can reach as much delicious grass as possible within only a short distance.

There are NN patches of grass (1<=N<=100,000)(1 <= N <= 100,000) in Bessie's field. The ithith such patch contains gig_i units of grass (1<=gi<=10,000)(1 <= g_i <= 10,000) and is located at a distinct point (xi,yi)(x_i, y_i) in the field (0<=xi,(0 <= x_i, yi<=y_i <= 1,000,000)1,000,000). Bessie would like to choose a point in the field as her initial location (possibly the same point as a patch of grass, and possibly even a point with non-integer coordinates) so that a maximum amount of grass is within a distance of KK steps from this location (1<=K<=2,000,000)(1 <= K <= 2,000,000).

When Bessie takes a step, she moves 1 unit north, south, east, or west of her current position. For example, to move from (0,0)(0,0) to (3,2)(3,2), this requires 5 total steps. Bessie does not need to take integer-sized steps -- for example, 1 total step could be divided up as half a unit north and half a unit east.

Please help Bessie determine the maximum amount of grass she can reach, if she chooses the best possible initial location.


  • Line 1: The integers NN and KK.

  • Lines 2..1+N: Line i+1i+1 describes the ithith patch of grass using 3 integers: gi,xi,yi.g_i, x_i, y_i.


  • Line 1: The maximum amount of grass Bessie can reach within KK steps, if she locates herself at the best possible initial position.


  Bessie的田里有N(1<=N<=100,000)块草地,每块草地的坐标是 (xi, yi) (0<=xi,yi<=1,000,000),上面长着gi(1<=gi<=10,000)个单位的牧草。 
  Bessie可以向东南西北方向走,一次走一步(一个单位长度)。如她从(0,0)走到(3,2)需要5步。她最多可以一次走k (1<=k<=2,000,000) 步。
4 3
7 8 6
3 0 0
4 6 0
1 4 2



Bessie is willing to take at most 3 steps from her initial position. There are 4 patches of grass. The first contains 7 units of grass and is located at position (8,6)(8,6), and so on.


By locating herself at (3,0)(3,0), the grass at positions (0,0)(0,0), (6,0)(6,0), and (4,2)(4,2) is all within KK units of distance.